

Tsoon B | Hurta 1-4 inimesle


Jurta – ainulaadne elamus looduse rüpes

Meie puhkeala pakub ainulaadset võimalust ööbida traditsioonilises Usbestakistani jurtas, mis toob idamaise kultuuri võlu otse Eesti looduse keskele. Jurta on käsitsi valmistatud, hubane ja soe elamine, mis on ideaalselt sobiv nii peredele, sõpruskondadele kui ka paaridele.

  • Voodikohad: Igas jurtas on mugavad voodid kuni neljale inimesele.
  • Jurtade arv: Puhkealal on kokku 8 jurta, pakkudes privaatsust ja piisavalt ruumi suurematele seltskondadele.
  • Mugavused: Jurtades on olemas kõik vajalik mõnusaks puhkuseks – pehmed voodid (4 tk), kapp. Sisustus on harmooniline, looduslähedane ning jurtas on piisavalt ruumi lõõgastumiseks.

Jurta avar sissepääs ja ümmargune kujundus loovad erilise atmosfääri, kus tunnetad looduse lähedust igal hetkel. See on koht, kus aeg peatub, ja võid nautida rahu, vaikust ning kaunist vaadet jõekäärule.

Broneeri oma jurta juba täna ning loo endale ja oma lähedastele mälestused, mis jäävad kauaks meelde!

Jurtade päritolust

Meie jurtad on käsitsi valmistatud ja toodud Usbestakistanist – piirkonnast, kus jurtadel on pikaajaline traditsioon ja sügavad kultuurilised juured. Need autentse disainiga elamud on loodud nii, et säilitada sajanditevanust traditsiooni, pakkudes samal ajal tänapäevasele külalisele mugavust ja hubasust.

  • “Usbestakistani jurtad on tuntud oma kvaliteetse käsitöö ja kaunite mustrite poolest, mis kajastavad selle piirkonna rikkalikku kultuuri ja ajalugu.”
  • “Iga jurta on ainulaadne, valminud Usbestakistani oskuslike meistrite käe all, austades sajanditepikkust pärandit.”


Hind: esimene ööpäv 70 eur ning ülejäänud ööpäevad 60 eurot.


PS! Parkimise info



Hea külastaja!

Kämpingu võtmekapis on kämpingu võtmetega koos puldiga, mis avab värava, järgnevatel sisse- ja väljasõitudel. Kämpingu ja värava puldi kaotamisel tuleb tasuda 50 eur!
Esmasel sissesõidul tuleb ühekordselt tasuda 5 eur värava avamiseks.
Täpsem info väraval.



Check-in 15:00
Check-out 12:00
+ 50,00 
+ 5,00 
+ 100,00 
+ 10,00 
+ 50,00 
+ 20,00 


Bedroom & Bed Linen
Outdoor equipment

Map of the campsite


Camping houses

Camping area




Livestock sector



Beach play area

Fire tower

Accommodation conditions

  1. Check-in and check-out: visitors can check in from 15:00 and must check out no later than 12:00. This will help ensure a smooth transition when changing accommodation. If the cabin is not vacated by 12:00, the client will be obliged to pay one day’s accommodation fee.
  2. Parking: parking is only allowed in designated areas. This will ensure access and safety for all visitors to the campsite.
  3. Road maintenance: campsite roads must remain clear at all times to ensure safe and smooth movement around the site.
  4. Waste management: emptying of chemical toilets and dumping of rubbish is only allowed in designated areas in order to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  5. Quiet time (night-time): quiet time is set between 23:00 and 6:00 at night, so that all visitors can enjoy a peaceful rest.
  6. Keeping the area tidy: every visitor is responsible for keeping their own area clean and tidy. It creates a pleasant environment for all.
  7. Respect for nature and the environment: visitors are asked to respect the natural environment, refrain from trespassing and follow the hiking trails.
  8. Limiting noise levels: be considerate of other visitors by avoiding excessive noise, especially during quiet times. Listening to music equipment outdoors is not allowed.
  9. Ensuring safety: the use of electrical equipment is limited to avoid power cuts and fire hazards.
  10. Pets: Pets are allowed, prior arrangement is necessary. Please follow the rules regarding pets and clean up after your pets both inside the campsite houses and outside the campsite.
  11. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the holiday homes. In case of smoking, a fine of €100. We also ask you not to smoke around the holiday homes to ensure fire safety.
  12. Fire hazard: Our forests are very fire-prone during the dry summer months, so it is forbidden to have an open fire outside the barbecue area. There, too, the strength of the wind must be taken into account. Do not leave burning candles unattended in the room or outdoors. In case of fire, call 112.
  13. Electrical appliances: no electric heaters or other appliances with a high electricity consumption are allowed in the campsite and its grounds. Their use is only allowed in exceptional circumstances and with prior agreement.
  14. Rubbish: All rubbish left over from your stay, barbecue or picnic must be properly disposed of and placed in the bins provided. It is forbidden to throw rubbish on the territory.Rubbish must be collected in a rubbish bin and left in the designated place. 
  15. Heacord: The campsite will be handed over on check-out in the same condition as on check-in. If there is a need to move furniture (chairs, tables, etc.), the furniture must be returned to the way it was at check-out. All utensils used must be washed and placed in the same place as when you arrived at the holiday home. Final cleaning is included in the price if the premises have been tidied up to their previous state.
  16. Material liability: the visitor is responsible for any damage to the property of the holiday home. In the event of damage to property, the cost of the damage must be reimbursed. In case of stains (e.g. nail varnish, red wine stains, etc.) on the furniture of the holiday home that cannot be removed in the normal way, a separate cleaning service fee will be charged. If stains cannot be removed, the cost of the damaged equipment must be paid for.